Dr. Katherine has been a practicing Naturopathic Doctor and owner of the Tecumseh Naturopathic Clinic since 2005. Although she utilizes many forms of naturopathic treatments in her practice, she has always had a special interest in acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has dedicated a significant amount of her training to enhancing her knowledge of acupuncture, as she has seen the impact that it can have on people’s lives. When clients initially come to see her, they are usually not coming specifically for acupuncture. However, once they try a treatment, they are often surprised at how relaxed they feel afterwards. Many have even tried acupuncture before and have never felt that sensation. When acupuncture is done in accordance with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine it has a balancing effect on the entire body. Dr. Katherine is a registered Naturopathic Doctor and an Acupuncturist which is great for people with both extended health benefits. Dr. Katherine has a general practice and sees people of all ages with a variety of health concerns. With two young children of her own, Dr. Katherine understands how difficult it can be for people to take the time to care for themselves. Her goal is to offer clients strategies for optimizing their health that they will be able to follow. She has a special interest in fertility, prenatal health, women’s health, digestive concerns, autoimmune disease, pain management and children’s health. Some of the treatment options she offers include dietary counselling, acupuncture, vitamins/supplements, meal planning, cupping therapy and lifestyle counselling.
The Tecumseh Naturopathic Clinic was established with the vision of creating a place where people could improve their health in a relaxing and healthy environment. The clinic features two dual registered Naturopathic Doctors/Acupuncturists and two Registered Massage Therapists. Dr. Katherine Kolowicz is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario. She is also a Registered Acupuncturist with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario.